Daily Deac


I have been seeing this on my social media threads for several days now – people talking about #ThePollening. It’s that time of year where all our trees are becoming beautifully green – and so is everything else. A light dust of greenish-yellow is […]

Sun day fun day

After that wild and wacky snow we got yesterday, today is a great day – sunny and nearly 70. I saw this on my social media lastnight and it very accurately summed up North Carolina weather. I also saw this online lastnight, and […]

Commencement Day Advice

I’m still traveling, but wanted to reprise an oldie-but-goodie, my annual advice for Commencement. This is explicitly for parents and families of graduating seniors (P’19s), but our younger classes might want to read as well for future reference. This will be my 18th Commencement, so […]

Wake N Shake pics

I’m on the road – looking forward to meeting Philadelphia area parents and families tonight, and DC area families on Wednesday. Wake N Shake was this weekend – and we have some great pictures from Ken Bennett to prove it. Enjoy them! Also, an email […]

Wake N Shake

It’s the end of the week, and the big event of the weekend is Wake N Shake, the 12-hour dance marathon that raises money for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund. Tons of students are involved, and they have been busy fundraising and also […]

We’re back!

We are happy to have all our students back on campus following Spring Break. It is definitely much quieter here without them. Dr. Hatch sent a message to the campus community yesterday in regard to the Christchurch, NZ shooting; read it here. Today, he […]

Spring Break safety

Spring Break is coming up (March 9-17). That means a lot of our students will be headed somewhere – sometimes home, or to a friend’s home, to Wake Alternative Break (a great series of service projects), or perhaps on vacation. If your Deac is going […]

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Week

One of the things your students might see on campus this week is students, faculty, and/or staff wearing yellow ribbons. That’s because it is Tie a Yellow Ribbon Week, which is designed to raise awareness of – and show support for – survivors of rape […]


It’s a soggy Friday here at Mother So Dear. Rain, rain, go away! We had a question come in via another department – a Wake family member had wanted to know about doing something special for their Deac’s birthday. This particular family member knew that if […]

Housing Selection Q&A

Today’s Daily Deac is sharing information from Residence Life & Housing about the housing selection process for current students (note: no action needed for incoming first-years in the Class of 2023 – their process takes place in the summer). There is also good info in […]


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