Happy Monday, Deac families! May it be a great, abbreviated holiday week.

10 rules for happy livingWanted to start off with some faculty positivity. One of my faculty friends/Facebook friends posted this the other day and I really loved the spirit of it. In addition to inherently liking the message, to me it also is a wonderful example of someone who is not only a fantastic scholar, but someone who will help our students believe in themselves and be kind to themselves. With such a driven, highly-motivated student body, sometimes they need someone to remind them that it is OK to be a work in progress instead of “perfect.” So, bravo to my faculty friend for a reminder of great rules to live by. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Also wanted to revive a tradition from last year and reintroduce “Where in the World Are Wake Foresters?” We invite you to send us a picture of your family wearing WFU attire and/or showing some sort of Deac spirit (like a WFU pennant or flag). This does not have to be an exotic location. This can be from your backyard, a place where you are volunteering, at your office, or at the top of a mountain – whatever suits you.

You can email it to parents@wfu.edu. Please let me know the following:

Who is in the picture and how you would like to be identified (by name? with your P’ [parent] year?)

If your Deac is in the pic, do they give permission for us to post it in the Daily Deac?

Where was the photo taken?

Again, the goal here is to show Deac families in some sort of WFU apparel or with a flag or some WFU identifying thing. I’ll collect your pics and from time to time run a Where in the World Are Wake Foresters? Daily Deac if we get enough interest. I know there are a lot of folks who will be vacationing this week, so maybe that can be your photo challenge 🙂

IMPORTANT NOTE – for those of you who get the Daily Deac in your inbox every day, something wonky happens in the conversion of the Daily Deac web site to the email you get, and it always puts a weird null character around the @ in the email address. So if you want to submit a Where in the World Are Wake Foresters? picture, please do NOT click on the link in the email, but instead type out parents@wfu.edu in your email browser.
