We had a very news-filled weekend. On Sunday evening, a message was sent out to students, faculty, and staff (and a similar version sent to parents and families) about an unsubstantiated security threat that is being investigated (read it here: https://parents.wfu.edu/family-news/increased-security-presence-on-campus/).

I know this message might have caused alarm, which was not our intent (though I certainly understand. I am a mom and I get it). While it was not an emergency and there was no action to be taken by your students, we shared it because we wanted to send it to families because we wanted to be as transparent as possible.

Some of you have emailed me to ask what the threat is. I wish I could tell you, but I don’t have that information myself. Others have asked why we sent out a vague email with so few details. We did that because your students were going to see an increased security presence on campus and we wanted them to know why. Some students have asked if it is safe to go to class. Campus is open and operating normally, and the police think it’s safe for members of our campus community to go about their normal day.

Our crisis management team is working diligently and thoroughly and everyone’s shared goal is the safety of our students. We sent an update to students and families mid-morning. If there is more information to share, it will be posted at Family News and I will reference it here too.

This was not the only news of the weekend. On Saturday, students received a message saying that the University had purchased Deacon Place, which is an apartment complex just off campus at the Polo Road entrance. Read it here. The long and short of this announcement is that starting in Fall 2019, spaces at Deacon Place will be available for students through the same fall room selection process offered by Residence Life and Housing for other University housing options. The ownership change will have no effect on current leases. Deacon Place is a new, very nice complex, with individual bedrooms and bathrooms in most (if not all) of their units. This will be a very attractive option for upperclass students.  More details to come in the coming months.

Sunday night was the Lovefeast. If you did not have the ability to attend it yourself, you can watch the broadcast here. I hope to bring you a little more about the Lovefeast tomorrow.

Finally, we want to wish all our Jewish Deac families a very Happy Hanukkah!


— by Betsy Chapman ’92, MA ’94

