In this Issue:

  • Final grade visibility
  • Test of emergency systems 12/20
  • University holiday closure 12/25-1/1
  • Last issue of the Daily Deac before the New Year

Our students are back home, and I hope you are as happy as I am to have your beloved children back 🙂 We are wrapping up the last week before staff and faculty have a winter holiday. Today we’ll focus on a few administrative items.

Final grade visibility

Final exams ended on Saturday, December 16. Undergraduate faculty are supposed to report their fall semester grades to the Office of the University Registrar by noon on December 20. That means that undergraduate students can expect to view their fall semester final grades on Thursday, December 21.

Students are perennially worried that their parents/loved ones are going to be upset about their grades or expect all As. To the degree that you can, try not to focus on the grade proper, but ask them if they did as well as they expected, and if not, do they know what they might do differently next semester. That might take the stress level way down for your Deacs.

Test of emergency systems 12/20

Campus got a message this morning saying that there is upcoming testing of our emergency systems. As with all campuswide emails, I share them here for transparency (even though I know our Deacs are gone for Winter Break).

“A test of Wake Forest emergency alert systems will be conducted on Dec. 20. The emergency testing on the Reynolda Campus will be by email only. The test is being conducted to ensure that the University’s emergency notification systems are properly coordinating with the WFU Medical School emergency notification systems.”

University holiday closure 12/25-1/1

The University will be closed December 25 through January 1, 2024. Administrative offices will be closed during this time.

If you have an urgent need to reach someone at the University because you have a concern that must be addressed quickly during winter break, use the following resources:

Emergency Response (24/7, year round)

  • University Police â€“ 336.758.5911 for the kinds of emergencies where you would normally call 911 (e.g., immediate life and safety concerns)

Non-Emergency Response

  • 336-758-CARE (2273) is a service that ensures someone will always be available (i.e., 24/7 M-F, weekends and university holidays) to provide caring and thoughtful consultation services for Wake Forest students in need of mental health assistance or support

Last issue of the Daily Deac before the New Year

I am heading out on PTO Weds. and will not return until January 2nd. My gift to myself this year was to take a break from the Daily Deac during the holidays, so I will not have pre-posted content for you.

Wishing you and your families all the best for a safe, healthy, and happy time with your students over break!

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