In this Issue:

  • Considerations as you make travel plans for the 2023-24 academic year
  • Wishing a happy Passover to those who are observing

Considerations as you make travel plans for the 2023-24 academic year

Several new families have called or emailed lately with questions about travel home for breaks. Many folks are looking online at the Academic Services calendar on the Registrar’s website (the Academic Services calendar shows key academic dates and breaks) and trying to make plane reservations for their students at Fall Break, Thanksgiving, and/or Winter Break.

It is wonderful for families to be thinking ahead, and even more wonderful that you are finding resources online on your own! However, my best professional advise is to discourage you from making set-in-stone airline arrangements now, and here is why:

Before you make any plane reservations for your student, your student must consult the syllabus for each of their classes and make sure they know their final exam schedule for all classes. Students won’t get their syllabus until the first day of classes in August.

While families can use the Academic Services calendar as a general guideline of when school is out of session, some professors will schedule exams or assignments on the last day of class before break, and some professors have attendance requirements that only allow a certain number of missed classes, and your student is responsible for knowing the specific requirements for their classes and corresponding final exams.

The final exam schedule will be posted on the Registrar’s website once finalized.

If you feel like you absolutely have to buy airline tickets now, consider buying flexible fares, or be willing to pay the change fee. As my late P’92 mom would say, the “better part of prudence” would be to wait until the first day of fall classes when they have the syllabus for each class, so they can see what the hard and fast dates are.

Wishing a happy Passover to those who are observing

Passover is about to begin this evening at sundown, and there are a variety of Passover options this week; students can see them in the Jewish Life e-newsletter. We wish a Chag Pesach sameach to all who are observing.

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