Administrative offices are closed today because of the Labor Day weekend (your Deacs had class today), so this is a pre-post.

Today’s edition of Letters So Dear (advice from upperclass students to the first-years) is available here.

Today’s Weekly Message for First Year families is available here. As a reminder, these weekly messages are not emailed to all parents and families (like the Daily Deac is). I link them in the blog instead.

Just a reminder that the Student Involvement Fair is coming up tomorrow (September 3rd) from 3:30-6 pm on Manchester Plaza (aka Mag Quad). I encourage students of all years to go to the involvement fair and join a handful of groups. The more involved they get, the richer our students’ campus experience.

Pro tip I give my students: because there are like 175+ student organizations, it is unwise to sign up for tons of groups. Make a reconnaissance lap first and see which are your top potential groups, and then go back on a second pass through the tables and sign up for maybe 5-10 of them. Anything more than that and you will be getting so many emails that you could be overwhelmed and ignore them all. Remember what they told Indiana Jones:

You must choose...but choose wisely

— by Betsy Chapman ’92, MA ’94

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