In this Issue:

  • A plug for fall involvement: Campus Rec
  • ’28 post office box numbers
  • Flashback Friday

After a huge amount of rain yesterday, Debby appears to have moved on. I would say she took the rain with her, but mid afternoon we had a short, soaking rain even though the sun was still out.

I took a peek at the 10 day forecast to see what it might look like for Pre-Orientation and new student move-in. The good news: temps are in the 80s, not the 90s. The bad news: there looks like a chance of rain. But it is too soon to get worried about rain at move-in, as the forecast will likely change closer to the time.

A plug for fall involvement: Campus Rec

Finding meaningful involvement is one of the best strategies for having a sense of belonging on campus. So today I want to put in a plug for the involvement that can come via Campus Recreation (or Campus Rec for short).

Many of our students find involvement through Campus Rec . About a quarter of students participate on the 38 Club Sport Teams, most of which travel to compete against other universities’ club teams. About half of students participate in intramural sports, competing against other Wake students. Campus Rec also offers Outdoor Pursuits trips (think hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, etc.), Aquatics, and more. And, with over 300 student employees, Campus Rec is the largest campus employer.

Even if your Deac doesn’t feel especially sporty, they can still get involved as a student employee, a referee, etc. This can be a great way to build your student’s network, so hope some might consider it.

’28 post office box numbers

Today there was an update on the issue of ’28 Post Office Box numbers: I am told they are now assigned. New students will need to:

  • Log into Workday
  • Click their profile picture in the top right corner
  • Select ‘View Profile’
  • Select ‘Personal’. It should populate two addresses: 1) their on-campus address with their mailbox number, and 2) their home address.

Flashback Friday

Every now and then I stumble on a generational funny worth sharing. My guess is that most Daily Deac families remember a time in life when there was only a handful of TV channels to watch, and the way you found out what was on when was through the TV guide (either that you bought at the grocery store or that came with your local newspaper). If you haven’t shown your students this relic of days past, it might give them a chuckle. Be sure to tell them that if you didn’t catch your favorite show when it aired, you were out of luck. (How did we all live without on-demand cable, YouTube, etc.?!?!?)

Does this bring back any memories? And are your students horrified at what a narrow range of choices we had? ;P

TV Guide listing from likely the 70s-80s

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