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One of the special points of pride at Wake Forest in recent years is the ZSR Library.  They won the ‘Superbowl of library awards‘ this past year and have an impressive staff of engaged, enthusiastic and helpful librarians to assist our students.  The library has been the intellectual hub of campus, and with the addition of the campus Starbucks a couple of years ago, it is also a social hub.  From “Wake the Library” events during finals week and other activities, ZSR is really the place to be.

A colleague forwarded me an interesting article about the concept of the “Bookless Library” (full article here).  Parents and families, I offer this article to you as a thought-provoker.  Think about your time in college or graduate/professional school, and the role of your library.  How does that differ from your students’ experience in high school or college?  What does the future hold?

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