We welcome any interested grandparents to stay in touch with the life of Wake Forest.

To be added to our monthly “Wake Parents and Families” e-newsletter, or to be invited to family-oriented events in your area, please complete this form below.

Note that most of our communications are sent via email, so having your email address will be especially important.

Student Information

Note: items with an asterisk (*) are required fields

Grandparent 1

Please complete all applicable fields
Grandparent 1 Name(Required)

Home Address
Business Address

Grandparent 2

Please complete all applicable fields
Grandparent 2 Name

Home Address
Business Address

Other Information

Wake Forest Relatives

I have checked the information above for accuracy and hereby authorize its use by Wake Forest University.(Required)

Who to Contact for…

This list of commonly-needed departments can help your students know who to contact when they have questions or need assistance.

Stop, Drop, and Roll

If your student tells you about a problem, frustration, or decision they need to make, we encourage parents and families to use the Stop, Drop, and Roll method to support them.