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The following message was sent to students who are not yet compliant with immunization requirements, urging them to be aware of their immunization deadline(s) and come into compliance by their deadline.


This is an urgent message from University offices involved with immunization compliance. 

Bottom Line, Up Front:

  • You are not yet compliant with University and/or N.C. immunization requirements.
  • In order to stay enrolled at Wake Forest (and in University housing, if applicable), you must be aware of your immunization deadline(s) and come into compliance by your deadline
    • Log in to the Student Health Portal and go to My Profile / Immun. History.  At the bottom of the screen, you will see “Non-Compliant” listed next to any vaccine(s) you need to receive.
      • If you need a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, you must secure one off campus and upload your vaccine documentation immediately following your appointment.
      • For all other vaccines besides COVID-19, call the Student Health Service at 336-758-5218 today to make your vaccine appointment.

Dear student,

University records indicate that you have not yet complied with all of the University’s and/or North Carolina’s immunization requirements. In order to avoid having your Fall classes canceled (and your University housing, if applicable), you must take action now to be aware of the date by which you must be in compliance.

Please find out why you are non-compliant by logging in to the Student Health Portal and going to My Profile / Immun. History.  At the bottom of the screen, you will see the vaccine(s) for which you are non-compliant. See the example below:

COVID-19 vaccines and boosters

If you need a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, you must secure one off campus. Wake Forest cannot administer COVID-19 vaccines.

All other vaccines

For all other vaccines besides COVID-19, call the Student Health Service at 336-758-5218 today to make your vaccine(s) appointment.

  • Note your appointment day and time. You must show up for your appointment or your class schedule will be in jeopardy of being canceled.
  • The Student Health Service will update your immunization record; you will not have to upload vaccine documentation for these vaccines.

Already have your vaccination?

If you had previously gotten your vaccine(s) and thought you had uploaded them to the Student Health Portal:

  • Check your Secure Messages within the Student Health Portal to see if your documentation has missing information.
  • If there are no secure messages, your original documentation was not received and you will need to upload your vaccine documentation again.

If you do not understand which vaccine(s) is required of you or when your deadline for compliance is, call the Student Health Service at 336-758-5218 and ask to speak to someone about your vaccine status.

We want to avoid interruption of your academic progress, and ask that you take the required action to be aware of your immunization compliance deadline(s).


To contact the Office of Family Engagement or Family Communications, please visit our contact page.


For mental health assistance: 336-758-CARE (2273) is a service that ensures someone will always be available (i.e., 24/7 M-F, weekends and university holidays) to provide caring and thoughtful consultation services for Wake Forest students in need of mental health assistance or support. You can also visit for resources.