The following message was sent to families of Class of 2023 students who are eligible to graduate.

Bottom Line, Up Front

  • The Commencement ceremony lasts approximately three and a half hours and is held outdoors on Hearn Plaza. Temperatures in May can vary widely, so check the local weather forecast.
  • Arrive early. Because bags will be checked at Commencement weekend events; there may be lines at bag checks. We encourage you not to bring a bag if possible. Please note the list of prohibited items.
  • As you make plans to attend Commencement, please be aware of the comfort of your family members, particularly the elderly, those with mobility issues or special needs, and young children. There is typically a fair amount of walking between parking lots and the Quad, and lines for restrooms. 

Dear parents and families of 2023 Graduates,

Congratulations on your student’s upcoming graduation! Please read this entire message for pertinent information regarding Commencement.

Preparing for the Weather

Please pay attention to the Winston-Salem weather forecast for Commencement weekend so you can pack for the appropriate weather. Here are some other tips:

  • For Monday’s Commencement ceremony, we will be outside for three and a half hours, and while there are some trees, most of the Quad will be sunny. Consider sunscreen and/or a hat.
  • Temperatures are likely to be cool in the early morning, but can warm quickly with the sun. Lightweight, layered clothing is a great option.
  • It is perfectly acceptable to remove jackets or ties (or not to wear a tie at all) as you see fit.
  • You will be walking in grass during Commencement. High heels can sink into the ground, which will be wet with dew, and can be muddy. Consider that as you plan your shoe choices.
  • Be aware of the comfort of your family members, particularly the elderly and young children. Be sure they stay hydrated and do not get overheated.
  • You may wish to bring a bottle of water or other drink with you. There are water bottle refill stations in Reynolda Hall, so you can replenish if needed.
  • You can purchase drinks on the Quad, but they will be cash sales only (no credit/debit card).

Bag Checks and Prohibited items

  • As part of Wake Forest’s security measures, all bags brought into Baccalaureate, the graduate and professional school hooding and commencement ceremonies, and/or the University Commencement on Monday will be checked.
    • Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13 – bags will be checked outside Wait Chapel’s entrance for the graduate and professional school hooding and commencement ceremonies.
    • Sunday, May 14 – bags will be checked outside Wait Chapel’s entrance for the 11 a.m. Baccalaureate service and the graduate and professional school hooding and commencement ceremonies that take place later in the day.
    • Monday, May 15 – bag checks will be conducted at all entrances to Hearn Plaza. The checks will begin at 6 a.m. University Commencement is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m.
    • Note: bag checks would be conducted at the LJVM Coliseum if the University were to implement the Commencement rain plan and move University Commencement on Monday to the coliseum.
  • Wake Forest is encouraging guests not to bring a bag, if possible, to Baccalaureate, the graduate and professional school hooding and commencement ceremonies, and University Commencement. Anyone bringing any kind of bag will have their bag checked before entering the venues for those events.
  • If you plan to bring a bag, please factor in time for bag checks as you travel to campus for Commencement weekend events.

 Prohibited Items

  • alcohol
  • coolers
  • pets
  • pocket knives or weapons of any kind
  • signs on sticks
  • suitcases
  • tripods 

During the University Commencement Ceremony on Monday, May 15

  • During the ceremony, the center aisle and the platform will be closed to all except those in the processional. Please observe the rope barricades.
  • Executive restrooms will be available in the parking lot mid-Quad by the arch. Limited restrooms will also be available in Reynolda and Wingate Halls, and the Benson University Center. The Benson Center facilities are wheelchair accessible.
  • There will be designated seating for guests with Special Needs on Hearn Plaza near the crosswalk on the Zick’s side of the plaza. This seating is for guests in wheelchairs and for those who have difficulty walking. We ask that only one other guest sit with the Special Needs guest as seating in this section is limited. See more about Special Needs accommodations.
  • Note that Wait Chapel will be available on May 15th for indoor viewing of the Commencement ceremony via livestream, with closed-captioning, for guests who prefer to be out of the sun. 

For guests with special needs

We encourage you to have a realistic, honest conversation with family members who have mobility issues, are elderly, or have other special needs to ensure they will be comfortable attending the weekend’s events. Commencement weekend typically involves:

  • a fair amount of walking
  • being outdoors in warm (or cool, or damp, etc.) weather; University Commencement is normally about 3.5 hours in folding chairs on the Quad (or people can view it via livestream in Wait Chapel)
  • waiting in lines for restrooms, food, seating, etc.
  • Walking over unfamiliar terrain, or in crowds where you can’t see the ground in front of you (which can be a fall risk) 
  • We do not have wheelchairs to lend to families, or the ability to drive guests in golf carts. Please keep that in mind as you make your plans. 

While we do our best to make everyone comfortable, if you have relatives for whom the physical requirements of the weekend would be difficult to bear, please consider that before you come. The ceremony will be livestreamed and available for anyone who does not make the trip to Winston-Salem.


  • A photographer with Photo Specialties will photograph undergraduates during the University Commencement ceremony on Monday, May 15. Graduates receiving BA and BS degrees will be photographed on stage. Photo Specialties will send free color proofs and ordering instructions to each graduate’s email.
  • Visit our Photography page for more details.

Commencement breakfast and Baccalaureate breakfast tickets still available!

  • Reminder: tickets for the Baccalaureate breakfast and Commencement breakfast are still available. 
  • Please discuss your family’s needs with your student; they can access their registration using their registration confirmation email. Once they log back in, they simply need to modify their registration to order Commencement breakfast or Baccalaureate breakfast tickets. For questions, please contact

Senior So Dear

The Office of Alumni Engagement is happy to welcome the Class of 2023 to the alumni family at our annual Senior So Dear celebration. Food, drinks, music, photo opps, and a toast to the Class of 2023…what better way to kick-off Commencement weekend! Seniors and their families are all welcome to attend! Registration requested.

Senior So Dear
Date: Saturday, May 13
Time: 4 – 6 p.m.
Location: Manchester Plaza

We encourage all graduating families to review the Commencement website, paying particular attention to the Family and Guest Information section.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at We look forward to celebrating your students’ achievements in May!

Wake Forest University Commencement Office


To contact the Office of Family Engagement or Family Communications, please visit our contact page.


For mental health assistance: 336-758-CARE (2273) is a service that ensures someone will always be available (i.e., 24/7 M-F, weekends and university holidays) to provide caring and thoughtful consultation services for Wake Forest students in need of mental health assistance or support.