The following message was sent to students on Jan. 31

Bottom line up front: 

  • Our Campus Climate Survey on Belonging and Inclusion is open through February 10
  • A 35% response rate is needed for informed estimates on our community that can lead to meaningful campus change

Dear Wake Forest community,

As we hope you are aware, we are about halfway through our Belonging and Inclusion Campus Evaluation survey. The survey will run until February 10. We are grateful to all students, staff, and faculty who have already taken the time to provide feedback and suggestions on ways to improve our institutional climate related to belonging and inclusion. 

We need at least 35% participation from students, from staff, and from faculty in order to have an informed understanding about what’s happening at Wake Forest. Therefore, we truly need everyone to participate

If you have not taken it yet, we ask that you dedicate 15-20 minutes of your time to complete the survey and add your voice to this critical work. We want to hear your experiences, observations, and suggestions for change that might enhance our campus climate. 

If you have already taken the survey, please encourage your classmates, professors, and colleagues to join their voices with yours.

This survey is completely anonymous; you can be assured that neither Rankin Climate (our vendor) nor anyone at Wake Forest will be able to identify you from your survey responses. Visit for more details.

Strengthening our relational and inclusive campus community is something we can all do in service of Pro Humanitate; this is part of what it means to be a Wake Forester. Please join us in taking the survey.

José Villalba
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer


Jackson Buttler ‘24

Student Government President


To contact the Office of Family Engagement or Family Communications, please visit our contact page.


For mental health assistance: 336-758-CARE (2273) is a service that ensures someone will always be available (i.e., 24/7 M-F, weekends and university holidays) to provide caring and thoughtful consultation services for Wake Forest students in need of mental health assistance or support.