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Download the WakeSafe app and Opt-In to Campus Safety Alerts

Campus Safety Alerts are not sent to families via email; families must download the WakeSafe app to receive alerts:

  • Search for and download the WakeSafe app on your mobile device in the app store
  • You will see a popup asking you to Allow Notifications. Tap Allow.

Once you have downloaded WakeSafe and enabled notifications, If a campus alert is issued, you will receive a notice on your mobile device.

How to verify you are correctly set up to receive alerts on your mobile phone

In your Settings, go to WakeSafe and ensure that you have selected Allow Notifications (we encourage you to select Immediate notifications and to allow both Sounds and Badges).

Communications to Families

Typically, any email that is sent to students, faculty, and staff is listed on our Family News website and shared in the Daily Deac opt-in blog; emails sent to students are not automatically sent to families.

How We Partner with Families

Wake Forest believes parents and family members can be our best partners in ensuring their students’ success. Parents and families are incredibly important sources of support and care.

Wake Forest seeks to:

  • Engage parents and families in ways that are developmentally appropriate and allow students to make independent decisions as they enter adulthood.
  • Create an environment where students are given freedom and autonomy to solve their own problems, experience struggle, difficulty, and even failure.
  • Help students develop problem-solving skills and the resilience they need to be independent, successful adults.

Wake Forest believes students should:

  • Be encouraged to make their own decisions about their Wake Forest experience (e.g., class registration, choice of a major, co-curricular activities, managing their finances, personal wellbeing, etc.). Our Navigating Student and Family Roles page offers examples of student responsibilities vs. family responsibilities.
  • Learn how to advocate for themselves and create positive relationships with academic departments and administrative offices. Students should be the one to contact campus offices when they need assistance.
  • Participate in a collegiate environment where mistakes can be seen as opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Have access to helping resources on campus that attend to their holistic wellbeing.
  • Be afforded the privacy that is granted to them under FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): University employees are generally not permitted to share information about the student’s academic performance or other information without the student’s permission.

Stop, Drop, and Roll

As you consider your student’s Wake Forest experience, we encourage parents and families to use the Stop, Drop, and Roll method – a philosophy that allows students to achieve each of the goals outlined on this webpage. If your student tells you about a problem or a frustration they have, a decision they need to make, or a routine task they need to complete, we encourage parents and families to:

  • Stop, and take a deep breath
  • Drop the urge to solve the problem for them or provide instructions on how to resolve the issue/make the decision/handle the task. Instead, be curious and respond with additional questions: What might you do? What are you considering? Are there any offices on campus who might be able to help you? Have you asked a staff member, faculty member, or RA for help?
  • Roll with whatever solution your student comes up with on their own, even if it is different from what you might have done.

Have questions? Contact us.

Betsy Chapman, Ph.D. (’92, MA ’94)