Daily Deac

Things one should learn in college

In this Issue: today we talk about things one should ideally learn in college I ran this column last year and got some positive feedback, so I wanted to bring it back again before school starts in case it may be good fodder for those […]

Tall Poppy Syndrome

In this Issue: Today is another day of pre-posted Daily Deacs, as I am at a girls’ weekend with my Wake besties from our time in school   Today I want to talk about poppies, and take a moment to help plant the seed (pardon […]

The Worry Letter

In this Issue: Editor’s note: I am out of the office today and tomorrow, so will be running some oldies-but-goodies in my absence People who know me in real life know that I am a weapons-grade worrier, the poster girl for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I […]


In this Issue: I hope that over the course of your student’s tenure at Wake Forest, they make lifelong friends. There are points after graduation where it gets hard to make time for your friends if you aren’t in close geographic distance: for many, you […]

Workday Financials – Important Info

I am out of the office today-Friday, so this is a pre-post In this Issue: important information that impacts how you pay tuition in our new system, Workday Many students had granted permission for their families to view their student account and pay them in […]


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