We’re still on hiatus during the long weekend, but we found a real treasure in the photo archives.

20130520commencement1710This is Amanda (’13), a student I came to know her first year here.  She is an incredible young woman: accomplished, bright, fun, involved on campus.  Here she is at Commencement, the culmination of all her hard work (and good times too!)

20090822amanda6483And this is Amanda during freshmen orientation – at the ‘Taste of Winston Salem’ event.

I love being able to see a picture of her at the beginning of her Wake Forest career, and now this one at Commencement – her new beginning.

If you haven’t already, Deac families, find (or take) a picture of your student as he or she arrives on campus the first day.  And hang on to it, so you get to see how much your student has grown by Commencement.

