TS Eliot was wrong.  April is not the cruelest month, at least not on campus.  It’s arguably the most beautiful month.

The trees are beginning to bloom and there are flowers everywhere.  Flowering trees, daffodils, tulips, and all manner of other flowerbeds are starting to show their prettiest colors.  If your students need a pick-me-up, a slow walk around the campus to drink in the beautiful sights might be just what the doctor ordered.

There are a couple of other things that have sprung up on campus in the past couple weeks.  There was a large mural called “Inside Out Wake” which featured pictures of five WFU students on the wall between Manchester (Mag) Quad and the Pit.  I have not checked this morning but I think it might be down.  It was really interesting to see, as the picture shows.

We also have a new piano on the Quad for people to play as they wish.  It’s part of the new cafe tables and chairs – and now that the weather is getting to be so nice, I suspect both the piano and the tables will get a lot of use.

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