The doors to campus reopened officially this morning at 8:30 after a nice break for the Christmas holiday.  In the life cycle of a university, it isn’t just the students who are feeling burned out at the end of finals, it’s equally our faculty (who have been scrambling to do all final grading and get the grades recorded on time), as well as the administrators who are finishing up calendar-year-end deadlines on things like fundraising and maintenance to the residence halls while they are unoccupied.  By the time our adult version of Winter Break gets here, everyone is ready for it.

We hope that you and your Deacons have been having a wonderful and restful break and that you had a lot of joy and laughter during your time together.  Very soon the students will begin arriving back on campus – first the women who are going through sorority recruitment, and then the rest of the campus a few days later.

Speaking of sorority recruitment, there will be some young women who hoped to go through the process and were not eligible GPA wise.  That can be a big disappointment for those ladies.  But it is important to remember that despite the perception some young women have, the campus is not all Greek.  There are about 50ish% who are not involved in sorority life, so women who are independent are not part of a very small minority – they are just harder to spot than the Greeks because they aren’t easily identified in a group sporting the same t-shirts.

For any young women who can’t (or choose not to) go through recruitment, there are lots of avenues for support and other activities to engage in during the spring semester.  If your daughter is in that situation and wants to be connected to come campus contacts who can help them find other ways to build new friend networks in other ways, please contact us at and we can direct you to resources.

As for your last few days home with your Deacs – make the most of them.  Do things that make you happy as a family and take lots of pictures and bake some goodies to send back with your students.

