Yesterday we sent out the third issue of the Wake Parents and Families e-newsletter, and our cover story was about some of the holiday traditions on campus: the Lovefeast, the Lighting of the Quad, and the celebration of Hanukkah with the campus menorah.  If your students want to get into the holiday spirit off campus – or if you are coming to town in the  next several weeks – here are a few additional suggestions.

The Secrest Artist Series will be hosting Danu, A Christmas in Ireland on November 28.

Old Salem is just south of downtown Winston-Salem, and they have some very nice offerings during the holidays.  One is the Candle Tea, which is a combination of Christmas carols, seeing beeswax candles made, and having Moravian sugar cake and coffee.  The other is candlelight tours of Old Salem.

Reynolda House, Museum of American Art is a short walk from campus.  They offer a number of holiday activities related to the historic house – from candlelight tours to a holiday concert and a play.  Their December calendar of events shows listings.

If your students want to travel a bit farther away, they can go to Biltmore House in Asheville, NC and see the Christmas decorations there.  Biltmore House was the historic estate of George Vanderbilt, who created a French chateau style mansion on 8,000 acres of land.  It’s a short 2 1/2 hour trip from campus and is ideal for a Saturday.  I took this trip myself with my best Wake Forest friends freshman year and it is a favorite memory of mine.

PS – if you did not receive the Wake Parents and Families e-newsletter, it likely means one of two things:  1) we don’t have a valid email address for you, or 2) the email might have ended up in your junk email box or spam filter (as all email programs handle incoming mail slightly differently).  If you did not receive it and wish to, please send an email to with your full name, your child’s full name, your spouse’s full name (if applicable), and your preferred email address so we can locate your record in our system and update your email address.
