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In this Issue:

  • Affirming our institutional commitments
  • Students should be meeting with their advisors to prep for registration
  • Summer Session registration opens today
  • A few event flyers for the coming weeks

Hope your Deacs had a happy and restful (and fun!) Spring Break! We are back now, but the first day back after a week-long break always feels tough. Your Deacs are now facing down the back half of the semester, with final exams as the ultimate destination. Time to dig in and grind it out, Deacs!

The weather for the next week or so looks very advantageous. Sunny and lovely for most of the week, and warm temps (but not too hot):

Forecast for the week of 3/17/25. (It's beautiful)

We have not yet had the full explosion of spring flowers everywhere in Winston-Salem, but you can tell it is coming. My daffodils are up and my tulips are emerging but have not yet popped. Give it another week or two and I will have so many pretty campus shots to share with you.

Since it’s the first day back for me, too, I am digging out of my inbox, so this will be short 🙂

Affirming our institutional commitments

This morning, a message went out to our campus community from Dr. Wente, Provost Gillespie, and Executive Vice President Travisano about affirming our institutional commitments. Here is an excerpt:

“During the past two months, many Wake Forest students, staff, faculty and alumni, along with members of our neighboring communities and thousands of people across the U.S., have experienced life-changing interruptions. We cannot predict the long-range impacts on higher education, but we can expect additional executive orders, guidance from federal agencies, and other changes at the federal and state levels. During this period of uncertainty, it is important to affirm our shared Wake Forest commitments.”

Read the full message.

Students should be meeting with their advisors to prep for registration

While fall course registration won’t take place until the week of April 1st, students should begin scheduling a meeting with their Lower Division Advisor (i.e., for students who have not yet declared a major) or their Major Advisor (and Minor Advisor, if applicable) now. The advising period began today (March 17).

Summer Session registration opens today

For students interested in Summer Session, registration opened this morning in Workday (and I can already see that some students have registered). So if your Deac is looking for classes, either in person or online, there is a variety of courses being offered.

A few event flyers for the coming weeks

While I was busy Spring Breaking, a few of my colleagues sent some upcoming event notices to me. I am sharing those now in case they may be of interest to your Deacs. Certainly this first one might appeal to our P’25s and parents/families of seniors, because this is about your soon-to-be graduates purchasing a class ring.

March 17-18, 2025 10 am-3 pm at the Bookstore on the Quad: Class of 2025 Class Ring purchasing event

some events happening 3/17-21/25 on campus: a local market, spring clothing donation drive, and field day

Hoop Dreams event 3/19/25

Community tea event March 18, 2025 from  3-6 pm in wellbeing center

March CLASS Workshop scheduled for March 26, 2025

If your Deac was with you during Spring Break, I know you must be missing them (as I am missing my ’27). But in about 6 weeks, we’ll have our students home again. So that is something to look forward to 🙂

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