I am out of the office today-Friday, so this is a pre-post

In this Issue: important information that impacts how you pay tuition in our new system, Workday

Many students had granted permission for their families to view their student account and pay them in our old system, DEAC. As of July 1, we have a new system, Workday. For P’25s-27s, your former permissions in DEAC did carry over to Workday. Your students will need to grant you access in Workday.

Your students will have to grant you access to their financials in Workday and authorize specific permissions (see below). 

Action families/students need to take to be able to access Workday financials to make tuition and other payments

  • Talk with your student about whether they will grant you access to Workday financials
    • If yes, your student must log into Workday and follow these instructions* to:

1. Add Friends and Family as a Third Party User

2. Manage My Permissions for my Third Party (e.g., grant them access to View Student Statement, Make a Payment, View Account Activity, etc.). Students must check each of the boxes they want you to have access to.

  • If your student does not grant you access to financials in Workday, you and your student must be aware that:
  • You will not be able to see your student’s charges, make a tuition payment, or print a student statement.
  • Your student will be fully responsible for checking their student account and ensuring their tuition or other fees are paid on time.
    • If your student does not pay their tuition bill on time, a registration hold may be placed on their account. This hold would prevent them from being able to make any changes to their schedule (e.g., add or drop classes, etc.).

Webinar to demonstrate how families will access financials in workday

Parents and families who need to know how to make tuition and other payments should register for our upcoming, virtual demonstration about how to engage with your student’s financial information in Workday:

If you are not able to attend the virtual session, the following detailed instructions on how to access Workday for authorized third-party users are now available:

Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate this new system.

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