In this Issue:

  • Clarification on Workday Financials
  • P’28s: draft Orientation schedule shared
  • P’28s: Question about a required Orientation task for new students
  • Director of Athletics John Currie (’93) promoted to Vice President, contract extended

It’s the end of the week, and as a reminder the University will be closed on July 4 for Independence Day. I will be out on PTO next week, but have pre-posted Daily Deacs to run in my absence, other than on July 4th, when we will be dark.

Clarification on Workday Financials

Several families have reached out to say they are unable to log in to Workday, or when they do log in they are unable to find their student’s financial information.

First, while your student can add you as a Third Party User today, their financial information will not be updated and available in Workday until July 2.

Second, when your student adds you as a Third Party User, you will receive two emails from, labeled WFU Workday Notification (in our test, those emails hit our inbox within 10 minutes). The first email includes your username and login link, and the second email includes your temporary password, which you will be asked to change. If you don’t receive these emails as expected, please check your spam folders and have your student confirm that they entered your email address correctly.

To reset passwords or for help with locating missing Workday messages, visit AskDeac and submit a New Ticket. You can do this anytime you need your password reset in the future, too

P’28s: draft Orientation schedule shared

New ’28 students received the following message this morning. It includes the following info, which I know our P’28s will be interested in:

“We will be publishing the Orientation schedule later this summer via the New Deac Week app. However, we know that students and families are very interested in getting a sense of what the schedule will be. Therefore, we have a tentative schedule of Orientation activities as of today, just to help you plan travel and more.

Please use this as a draft, tentative guideline until our New Deac Week app is launched in mid-July; while the general time frame of Orientation will remain the same, individual programs/events may be subject to change.

Once the New Deac Week app launches later in July, that app should be your main source of information regarding the Orientation schedule, as it will have the most up-to-date information.”

We’ll have more about Orientation closer to the start of August. Stay tuned.

Question about a required Orientation task for new students

Our Office of Institutional Equity has been receiving a lot of questions from new families about required online Orientation courses, including Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination or Sexual Assault Prevention. They have asked me to share the following with new families:

“As you may have noticed, your student’s Workday account includes a list of tasks to complete before they register for classes at Wake Forest. We have had some questions about one of these tasks that includes the completion of a required course titled Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination or Sexual Assault Prevention.

This course, while required, will not be sent out to incoming students’ WFU email until early August. However, this should not prevent your student from being able to register for classes.

Your student can check the task box as complete, acknowledging that your student is aware of the upcoming mandatory training, and that they plan to complete it once sent.”

Director of Athletics John Currie (’93) promoted to Vice President, contract extended

Yesterday, President Wente announced that she has extended John Currie’s contract and he has been promoted to Vice President & Director of Athletics effective July 1. Here is an excerpt:

“‘The University continues to benefit from the tremendous reach, brand identity, and engagement Wake Forest Athletics enables for our institution and wider communities’ said President Wente. ‘Over the past five years, John Currie has built a championship culture and promoted excellence across all of our sports. He has recruited an exceptional athletics administrative team, hired and retained outstanding coaches, and always ensures that the focus remains on our more than 400 student-athletes and the exceptional education they receive at Wake Forest. John continues to provide extraordinary leadership for Wake Forest Athletics during what undoubtedly will be looked back upon as one of the most turbulent periods in college sports’ long history. His appointment also as Vice President reflects his broad collaborations across the University as a whole; for example, his recent leadership role in the Baity Street project. John is always looking for solutions and for ways to move Wake Forest forward, for Athletics and for the University as a whole.'”

Congratulations to John Currie! For more details, read the full article.

Wishing everyone a happy Fourth of July and short work week!
