In this Issue: today we talk about an optional program for tuition insurance

Every year, I want to make sure that families consider tuition insurance and make an informed choice about whether this is right for your family. Ashley Hairston, Associate Dean for Academic Advising, frames it this way:

All of us at Wake Forest, especially those of us who advise students and their families, are concerned about students who suffer serious illness and accidents and have to leave the University before a semester is completed. In many instances it means not only the loss of time invested in studies, but also the loss of the semester’s costs. Situations where families are forced to choose between major financial losses and their child’s health are particularly difficult. This is why we urge you to consider the low-cost tuition insurance plan Wake Forest offers through A.W.G. DEWAR, Inc., or to consider other options to protect your family from experiencing this possibility.

You can learn more about the plan here. Here are a couple of highlights:

“An unexpected withdrawal due to sickness or injury can mean significant financial consequences for families. Wake Forest offers an elective tuition insurance plan through A.W.G. Dewar, Inc. (a program going on 15+ years) that will help minimize financial loss if a student suffers a serious illness or accident and must withdraw before the end of a semester.

This plan extends and enhances the University’s published refund policy. In cases of withdrawal due to accident, illness or mental health conditions as defined in the plan, the plan assures up to a 75% refund throughout the term.”

It is important to know that Wake does not financially benefit if you opt in to tuition insurance. Wake offers this plan because we have seen situations where families are forced to choose between major financial losses and their child’s health. Those situations are extraordinarily difficult for everyone.

No one intends to have to leave college once they start, but sometimes things do not go to plan. Some families are of the mindset that you take out travel insurance before you go on a big trip (just in case); others do not. There is no right or wrong, just what is right for your family. My goal here is that families know this is an option so you can consider tuition insurance if you want it, and pass on it if you do not.
