We always have a host of activities on campus.  This week is no different.  Here’s a sampling of some of the things your students can take advantage of on campus if they choose.

  • Wednesday 2/8 from 3-4 pm, Z Smith Reynolds Auditorium.  “History and Myth: Why We Misunderstand the Civil War Era.”  Reynolds Professor of History Paul Escott will examine two influential myths about the Civil War era: the South’s myth of the Lost Cause and the North’s more recent myth of Lincoln as a champion of black rights.
  • Thursday 2/9 at 12:00 noon, Reynolda House.  Gallery Talk at Reynolda House Museum of American Art.  Phil Archer, exhibition curator and director of public programs will talk about “Wonder and Enlightenment: Artist-Naturalists in the Early American South.”
  • Thursday 2/9 from 4-5:00 pm, C-316 Tribble Hall.  Summer Program in Egypt.  Come learn more about Wake Forest University’s summer study abroad program in Egypt.
  • Thursday 2/9 at 7:30 pm in the Ring Theatre, Scales Fine Arts Center.  God of Carnage. A completely student-run show. We invite you to watch as “two sets of parents meet up to deal with the aftermath of a fight between their sons. What starts as a civilized discussion between grown adults about the importance of proper behavior soon devolves into a hysterical and very uncivilized session of tantrums, tears and startling revelations.”  There will be a talkback immediately following the opening night performance featuring professors from The Women and Gender Studies office, The Department of Romance Languages and The Department of Theatre and Dance. We hope you will join us for this riveting performance! Tickets are $5 at the door.

That’s just some of what is being offered in a two-day stretch here on campus.  For full activities, visit the University Calendar.  And urge your kids to attend some of these wonderful intellectual and cultural events!
