Wake has an extensive art collection, which you can see in public-facing spaces like Reynolda Hall and the Benson University Center, among others. I vividly remember my freshman year at Wake, and I was meeting my parents in the Green Room of Reynolda Hall. At the time, the Green Room featured a very large painting called “Vincent with Open Mouth” that was totally the painting Vincent with Open Mouthconfounding to my very traditional father, on whom the finer points of art were sometimes lost 🙂

You may be aware that every four years, a group of students is given the charge to find artwork to add to the Student Union art collection. They research artists and make their case about why we should choose a particular piece. This year with the pandemic, the traditional trip to New York City could not happen, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t add to the art collection.

Last night, our students had their big reveal of the artwork they chose. There is a terrific news story about it, and you can dive in and see the actual pieces and hear a little bit about the various works of art, and hear reflections from some of the students on the buying trip.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but I have to say I really like all their choices. I think this one is my favorite, but just barely. Many thanks to the student buying team who has helped to make our campus a little more beautiful through the addition of this new artwork, as well as the faculty and staff who supported and guided them in the process.

The painting "Women Words (Ingres #3)" by Betty Tompkins


— by Betsy Chapman, Ph.D. (’92, MA ’94)
