This morning appears to be the first official frost of fall.  Driving in past some of the bigger green spaces on campus, it looked pretty frosty.  There is a great sunrise this morning too – it’s one where the whole sky appears to be orange, darker on the bottom near the horizon and gradually lightening as it goes up toward the sun.  I guess the gradient of colors would be called “Ombre” in the fashion world – but in the real world, it just plain looks spectacular.

Lastnight I was on campus with my son to go trick-or-treating with some faculty and administration friends in the houses behind campus (virtually all of which are owned by WFU employees).  There were a scant few students who had made it all the way down to Faculty Drive to jog or go walking.  As we were leaving campus, we had to drive through the center portion of campus, and let me assure you campus is alive and well after dark.  We saw plenty of walkers and runners, students who appeared to be on the way to/from the Miller Center to exercise, or the library, and many who had backpacks making their way to the [current] business building.  No shortage of movement.  But then again, our students live a very nocturnal lifestyle, and they probably get more done in the 5pm-2 am timeframe than the typical person gets done during daylight hours.
