My colleagues in Campus Life do a terrific job creating a vibrant atmosphere on campus and offering a wide variety of activities, events, and outlets for students’ energies and passions.

They put together a checklist that is intended for first year students, but I would argue that most of the activities that are listed would be applicable to students of any year at Wake Forest, with a couple exceptions that are clearly meant for the beginning of a student’s time at college.

Does your student know this checklist exists?  Do you think he or she is taking advantage of all the things WFU has to offer?  Deac families, you might want to review this list and ask your student about some of these activities when your student is home for Fall Break or Thanksgiving break.  Not in a way to make them feel pressured to do/attend any of these items, but just to see which kinds of experiences your student is having here: artistic, cultural, career, athletic?  Which ones does he or she value the most?

And whenever you come to campus, this list might give you ideas of things you might like to try as well.
