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I have been seeing this on my social media threads for several days now – people talking about #ThePollening. It’s that time of year where all our trees are becoming beautifully green – and so is everything else. A light dust of greenish-yellow is on cars and benches, and in the curbs you can see fallen pollen clumps, like tiny tumbleweeds. CNN posted a story of a pollen cloud over Durham, captured via drone photo. Time to take your Zyrtec, allergy sufferers.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy day – which is great in that it will wash some of the pollen away, but tomorrow is the second and final Campus Day for Accepted Students. In my nearly 20 years here, I can’t remember a year when both Campus Days were rainy. It is too bad, because the weather this week has been beautiful.

Yesterday was the DESK service project, where students paint desks for local elementary school kids. There was music and fun and a ton of paint. It was a terrific afternoon for that kind of project – sunny and warm and a nice breeze. Pictures below.

Today was Arnold Palmer Day on campus, in honor of our much loved alumnus and golf legend, the late Arnold Palmer. Hope your Deacs were on the Mag Quad (aka Manchester Plaza) at midday to get an Arnold Palmer drink, some cake, and other fun stuff.

Tomorrow night is Shag on the Mag, which is our spring campus dance. If you need a primer on the shag, or a dance from the Carolinas to beach music, Southern Living is here to help. I always like to offer a little background reading, because one of the WF families I came to know in years past was from Ireland, and a “shag on the Mag” represented something very different to Irish ears 🙂

Wake Forest students paint desks for local elementary school students at the annual volunteer service project DESK, on Poteat Field on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Wake Forest students paint desks for local elementary school students at the annual volunteer service project DESK, on Poteat Field on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Wake Forest students paint desks for local elementary school students at the annual volunteer service project DESK, on Poteat Field on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Wake Forest students paint desks for local elementary school students at the annual volunteer service project DESK, on Poteat Field on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Wake Forest students paint desks for local elementary school students at the annual volunteer service project DESK, on Poteat Field on Wednesday, April 10, 2019.

— by Betsy Chapman ’92, MA ’94

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