Happy Monday, Daily Deacdom! I hope you are at the start of a fantastic week.

It’s New Student Reception time, so we are crazybusy in our office. While I didn’t have enough time to do a proper Five Senses post today, I can give you five quick thoughts from campus:

1. Weather: warm with gentle breezes. Not too humid today. Check out the lush, lush Quad grass on the Quad Cam.

2. Hot spot to eat: Einstein’s Bagels seems to be a pretty happening place during daylight hours. With the Summer Management Program in full swing, we have a lot of students in Farrell Hall.

3. Construction: some of the North Campus Apartments had all the windows out the last time I looked. Also a lot of business taking place around Davis and Taylor residence halls.

4. Things on the minds of our incoming first-years: am I going to get into the Pre-Orientation program I wanted? How do I decide what to register for in July for my classes? Families, there is some great info on registration here. My best advice is to read up and do your prep work, and then trust the process. Things have a way of working out.

5. General mood: without the vast majority of our students here, campus seems super quiet. There isn’t the whir and buzz of student chatter and a lot of traffic. Parking is a breeze.

That’s all I’ve got for you on this sunny, fine Monday. Take care of yourselves and if your Deacs are home with you, give them a little extra TLC 🙂

