Your Deacs woke up to grey skies and a lot of wind.  It’s supposed to rain today – it must have rained overnight, as the ground was wet.  Temps are closer to the 60s, so not as cold, which is a good thing.

Campus Grounds and leaves 11/29/16I was on campus early and snapped a few pics of the Quad and some of the north campus buildings.  There were a lot of yellow leaves on the sidewalk towards Campus Grounds, the student coffee house.  (There was also a guy from Facilities blowing leaves on the other side of the Quad – I could hear his leaf blower from where I stood).

Moravian star at Wait ChapelAs I approached Wait Chapel, I was happy to see the giant Moravian Star that is hanging over the door.  Winston-Salem was settled by Moravians, and the Moravian Star is something you see a lot of local residents hang outside at the holidays (read the history here).  The star is there as part of the pre-Lovefeast decorations.

A murder of crows outside Wingate HallWalking between Wait Chapel and Huffman, I went down the stairs towards the parking lot.  There were a bunch of crows (I guess I should refer to them as a murder of crows, right?) perched up in a tree right outside of Wingate Hall. Cawing, and cawing loudly.  I took a little video of them if you want to give a listen.  If you look you can see how fast the clouds were moving – quite windy.

Farrell Hall in the early morning on an overcast fall dayAs I headed to my destination (North Campus Starbucks), I saw the back side of Farrell Hall, with the large glass walls.  No lie, that building is just spectacular, particularly in low lighting. From the exterior, you can see in the windows to all the floors, and the lighting is all amber and warm and it would feel to me like a very comfortable place to be even in the wet or the dark.  It is just lovely.

Heads from US coins adorn the wall next to the North Campus Dining HallOn the wall between either Magnolia or Dogwood residence hall (I always forget which is which), there is some sort of installation that looks like the faces of our coins.  Not sure what that stands for, and I don’t think it was always there.  Have no idea if it is an art installation or if some organization is doing a coin drive. But it certainly livened up the wall.  Couple more pics below, but that’s your peek onto campus this morning.

Finally, thanks to the 370ish of you who responded to the Thanksgiving poll.  An image of the results is below, but the Cliff Notes version is that 81% of respondents’ Deacs came home, followed by 7% each for going to a relative’s house and spending Thanksgiving in another city.

Realize I should have added a “My Deac is abroad” option, as a lot of you who chose “Other” talked about being in London, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Geneva, Florence, etc.  And some of our ‘stayed on campus’ Deacs had to be here for band, or for the football or soccer team, etc.  One of you described a 30th family reunion off campus that sounded fantastic (let me know if you need an honorary family member :)).  Appreciate everyone who responded – we will try more polls in future Daily Deacs!thanksgiving-poll-11-28-16


The arch leading to the Quad

The Quad on an overcast fall morning 11/29/16
