Today from 4-5:30 there is a special reception in the library.  As you may have heard, the The Z. Smith Reynolds Library won the 2011 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries.  To the novice in library awards, this is the equivalent of winning the Oscars, or the Superbowl, or the NCAA Championship.  Not only is it an enormous honor to win, it is something of a rarity.  Most of the schools who won this award are much larger, division I research universities.  Wake Forest is the smallest school to win it.

Your students spend a lot of time in the library.  Whether it is at Starbucks drinking a chai latte and studying, or using one of the late night study rooms, or getting personalized help on a research paper – they are there a lot.  And part of the reason the library is the hub of academic life on campus is because we have an immensely talented group of professional librarians who not only know their field, but also really want to help students.

One great reason to urge your students to attend this ceremony this afternoon is that there is a reception – which means free food (and if we’ve learned anything about students, it’s “if you feed them, they will come.”)  More importantly, if your students attend this reception and award-bestowing, it will show the librarians how much the students appreciate them and all they do – which will mean a lot.

SO pass this on to your students and tell them to be a part of this reception.
