The Class of 2014 moved in to their residence halls today. Although the weather was not particularly cooperative – ranging from threat of rain, to drizzle, to a pretty steady rain – both the students and their parents were in good spirits.

The move in process is something we take great pride in here at Wake Forest. Families drive up to their student’s residence hall to find that we have literally dozens of volunteers at each building to help unload their student’s belongings and move them inside. The move in volunteers come in many different forms – current students (often from fraternities and sororities), custodial and facilities staff, and staff from the rest of campus such as my office, Parent Programs and especially Residence Life and Housing, the office that oversees residential life.

During the two hours I helped move students in, so many parents were surprised and delighted to get so much assistance. I heard frequent comments about how friendly everyone at Wake Forest is, how great it was not to have to tote all their child’s belongings from a distant parking lot, and – my favorite – when parents would say “I also have a child at [insert college name here] and no one helped move us in there!”

Welcome to Wake Forest, new students. And parents, welcome to the Daily Deac blog. I hope you return many times and find this a lighthearted and meaningful way to stay in touch with some happenings on campus.
