Our incoming first year students will be getting ready for Round I of course registration next week.  This is where they will register themselves for up to 10 hours of classes.  New students should be playing close attention to the Academics and Advising sections of newstudents.wfu.edu (in the left hand side menus) to find information about registration and course requirements.

To augment those pages, we also have created a Virtual New Student Reception page for you and your students.  This page has a lot of the same advice we give students and families at the NSRs.  There are short videos with some step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the New Students web site to find the advising information needed.  There is some advice on what to do when students get their roommate assignment later this summer.  And there is also some advice from ‘been there, done that’ upperclassmen families and students.

So if you are a P’20, take a few minutes to look at the Virtual NSR page and all it offers, and recommend it to your student if he/she needs a little extra help as Round I of registration nears.

Also a little disclaimer from our office – I will be out today (Friday) and most of next week with New Student Receptions. Should your students have questions about registration, they have options from the Office of Academic Advising (scroll to the end of this page for info).

— by Betsy Chapman
