Time to talk about the smorgasbord of options at Wake Forest. My party line is that one ought to sample plentifully at the buffet of things offered here, and taste a little bit of everything. Especially new things.

You would think at the end of the semester activities would begin to wind down, but we still have a ton of events coming up this week that might interest your students.  Let me say upfront that I can’t mention them all – and apologies for that – but here is the link to the Events calendar.  If your Deac doesn’t look at this calendar often, urge him or her to.  And if your Deac is in a student organization and they are not submitting their events here, urge him or her to.

A select handful of things that jumped out at me:

There will be a panel on HB2 (that law that is getting so much play in the media) later today.

4 18 16 mental healthStudent Government has been working on some events encouraging mental health and awareness. I found this on the WFU Instagram account about it.

Lots of great arts events this week: the Student Chamber Concert, the Shadow Ballads concert,  Student Art Exhibition, Spring Choral Concert, and the Spring Student Choreographic Concert.

There will be Passover Seders. Friday and Saturday Nights, April 22/ 23:  Magnolia Room and Hillel Lounge. 5 pm. Open to everyone at WFU. Sign up at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F0B4AAAAB29A5FB6-passover.  The whole (but abbreviated to around ½ hour) Passover Seder experience with our own WFU Haggadah, Seder plates with all the goodies, blessings, and songs, followed by a full Passover dinner.

The Senior Sendoff for the Class of 2016 is happening.

Speaking of seniors, the ZSR Library will host its Senior Showcase this week, and starting on April 28th will be Wake the Library, where it is open 24/7 during Finals.  Wake the Library provides food, stress relief, and comforting library staff to help your Deacs through the stress of finals.

While normally I don’t like to talk about money in the Daily Deac, part of my job is to encourage support for the Parents’ Campaign of the Wake Forest Fund – and the April-June timeframe is critical for us and we could use your help to make our goal.
giving page 2

You can make a gift online here.  Bear with me and dream big for a second : )

Think about a two-part gift: give to the Wake Forest Fund and you can select the designation of your choice (College, ZSR, Student Aid, etc.) and then you can click the “Add” button to add another designation and choose “I would like to specify a different fund/department” and then type in that department. You could help offset the Wake the Library costs if you wanted (just type in Wake the Library) , or to support an academic department that has meant a lot to your Deac.

Thank you in advance for helping support the work we do at WFU!

— by Betsy Chapman

