This weekend, we lost a Wake Forest student, junior Jordan Bayer of Brookline, MA, in a tragic car accident.  He was a member of the DKE fraternity and a student in the Business School.  Information about the funeral was sent to campus today.

There are no good words in times like these.  The unexpected loss of a young person is heartbreaking.

Parents and family members, you should know there are many ways your students can get support if they have been particularly affected by this loss, whether they were friends of Jordan’s or if this has triggered the memory of another loss in their lives:

– The University Counseling Center (UCC) – 336-758-5273 or 118 Reynolda Hall.  The UCC also has an excellent page on the UCC website for additional guidance about grief.  Grief affects each of us differently, and there is no “right way” to grieve – and there are some very wise words about how to support someone who is grieving.

– The Chaplain’s Office – 336-758-5210 or 22 Reynolda Hall.

– Students can also talk to their RA (Resident Adviser) or other trusted mentors who can direct them to support services.

Do urge your students to seek help and support if they need it.  We don’t want any students to struggle on their own when there are lots of people who can support them.

Having had a sudden and unexpected loss of a sibling, my heart goes out to Jordan’s family, friends, and loved ones.  It is a terrible, terrible loss.  Please join me in offering your thoughts and prayers to everyone who knew and loved him.


— by Betsy Chapman

