All staff tacky TuesdayIt might surprise your students to know that some of the administrators they see around campus actually have pretty great senses of humor.  Because it’s almost Winter Break and everyone is in a lighthearted mood, my colleagues in University Advancement have been making Alumni Hall a fun and festive place.  Yesterday was Tacky Sweater Tuesday, and we had many takers, as you can see in this picture.  Today is a cookie swap day.

festivus pole leg lamp festivus signYour students are too young to remember Seinfeld (unless they watched reruns in syndication), but we are paying tribute to Seinfeld’s Festivus episode.  In our lobby we have a Festivus pole and box to submit our (good-spirited) grievances for the Airing of the Grievances.  There may be Feats of Strength too.  You just never know with our group.  For fans of the movie A Christmas Story, we also have a leg lamp.

Hopefully at your house you are having some fun times too – perhaps your Deacs are finally caught up on sleep and are returning to their normal selves.  And for all our families who are celebrating this week, we wish you a very happy Hanukkah.  May you feel the love of family and friends during this special time.


— by Betsy Chapman
