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In this Issue:

  • Wake ‘N Shake totals and video
  • Spring flowers

Today will be short and sweet – and nothing but good news! Enjoy 🙂

Wake ‘N Shake totals and video

Wake ‘N Shake, one of our dearest campus traditions, took place this past Saturday. I suspect that many of your Deacs were dancing, organizing, and or contributing to the effort in some way. If you hadn’t seen any pics or video from your students, our video team captured all the excitement of the day in this Wake ‘N Shake video.

Particularly impressive is the total amount our students raised to support cancer research, as seen in this picture below with the Wake ‘N Shake Exec Team. This is a great example of our Pro Humanitate motto at work. Go Deacs!

For 12-hours, Wake Forest University students participate in a dance marathon to raise money for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund in the Sutton Center on Saturday, March 2, 2025.   Dr. Katherine Ansley with the Cancer Center speaks at the event. The total raised was almost $323K

Spring flowers

Spring is arguably the prettiest time at Mother So Dear (though Fall gives Spring a run for her money). So I thought you might enjoy seeing some of what your Deacs are seeing as they walk across our beautiful campus. It’s warm and sunny today and close to perfect conditions.

Weeping cherry trees and Wait Chapel in the background pink trees frame Reynolda Hall - march 2025 a bed of daffodils blooms on campus at Wake Forest University on Thursday, March 13, 2025. Flowering trees at the back of ZSR Library Flowers and flowering trees are seen with Farrell Hall in the background
Spring is in full bloom on campus at Wake Forest University on Thursday, March 21, 2025 as students walk across Hearn Plaza to class.

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