In this Issue:

  • Change in location for Friday 9/27 Mobile Flu Clinic
  • Family Weekend and the weather forecast

Today has been nonstop meetings for me so I am bringing a couple of weather-related stories, since I know people are looking at the forecast for the weekend. Here goes.

Change in location for Friday 9/27 Mobile Flu Clinic

Because of the predicted rain, the Mobile Flu Clinic this Friday 9/27 has been moved indoors. It will now be held in the Benson Center second floor rotunda from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The vaccine is free and no appointment is needed; students can just walk up for them.

And if Friday is not a good day for your Deacs, there are additional mobile flu clinics available in the coming weeks.

Family Weekend and the weather forecast

I checked in with the Family Weekend team today about how the weather may impact the weekend. Here is what I know as of this afternoon:

Wake Forest officials are closely monitoring the weather and would make adjustments to the schedule/event locations if needed to ensure Family Weekend activities go smoothly.

As of this afternoon (Tuesday), weather predictions indicate minimal impact in Winston-Salem, aside from some heavy rain on Friday. We currently anticipate moving Friday’s outdoor activities to indoor locations as needed, based on available space. All other indoor activities are proceeding as scheduled.  

We will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon to review the latest forecast and would announce any additional updates (if applicable).

If you’re traveling to the area, we encourage you to keep an eye on the forecast and plan your wardrobe/rain gear accordingly and travel with your safety in mind. 

We look forward to seeing you and celebrating a wonderful weekend together! 

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