In this Issue: Some Q&A you have submitted about Family Weekend

Editor’s note: I got called for jury duty so it will be a very light Daily Deac today

For those of you who are coming for Family Weekend, you might have seen on the schedule that we are doing a “Daily Deac Live” on Friday, Sept. 27 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Pugh Auditorium in Benson University Center. For that program, it is meant to be a casual discussion – a sort of “Ask Me Anything” (as they do in Reddit). If you want to submit a question for me to answer at that program, you can ask your burning questions here.

Some folks have used that form instead to ask questions related to Family Weekend or other aspects of Wake Forest operations, rather than for my session. I wanted to try and answer those here.

Q: Do the kids have classes on Friday of family weekend?
A: Yes, unless their faculty member specified otherwise (on the syllabus, in an email, etc.)

Q: Can I park a small RV on campus and stay onboard?
A: You will want to ask that question of our Transportation and Parking Services office ( or 336.758.7275).

Q: Our family consists of our oldest student who is a freshman at WFU, plus two teens, a tween, and one child under 10. Will there be things for the younger kids to do at Family Weekend?
A: My colleagues who put together the Family Weekend schedule try to create opportunities for people of varying ages and interests, so there is something for everyone. Your family should look at the full schedule of events and see what interests them. I suspect the Deacon Family Festival might be especially appealing, or the showing of Despicable Me. There are other events too – sports things (to watch or to participate in) – and more.

Q: Just wanted to confirm…. We don’t need to register to visit our child for family weekend, correct? We registered for all the events last year when they were a freshman. This year, we are just gonna visit and hang out with them.
A: Registration is not required to visit your child during Family Weekend. However, I recommend checking the schedule of events to see if there are any activities you’d like to attend that might require registration or credentials, such as the student tailgate before the game. Additionally, discounts are being offered at select local restaurants throughout the weekend, so you may want to take advantage of those as well. Reviewing the full schedule to make sure you don’t miss out on any additional opportunities is a good idea!

Closing thoughts

If you have specific questions about Family Weekend that are not covered by their FAQ, contacting the Family Weekend team by email is the best way to get answers to your Family Weekend questions. Please email them directly at and they will respond as soon as possible.

Hopefully my jury duty is just a day long and I will be back tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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