In this Issue:

  • Reminder – Fall Involvement Fair until 6 p.m. on Poteat Field
  • Thrive Celebration – Thursday (9/5) 
  • For our P’28s: Letters So Dear and Weekly Message
  • WFU in the News (Aug. 26-Sept. 1)
  • Community Safety Advisory

“Glorious” is the best word I’ve got to describe this day. September is here, and it is a sunny day with a light breeze and the high is only going to be 76 today. When I got up this morning to let the dogs out, it was delightfully crisp and cool outside. If the forecast holds true, it looks like for the next 10 days we won’t see temperatures higher than 81 degrees, and that should make a lot of fall fans happy.

Reminder – Fall Involvement Fair until 6 p.m. on Poteat Field

By the time this hits your inboxes, there will be only an hour left, but hopefully your Deacs remembered to go to the Fall Involvement Fair this afternoon and find some ways to get engaged in student organizations.

Thrive Celebration – Thursday (9/5) 

There is an anniversary coming up on Thursday and your Deacs can help us celebrate:

“This fall Wake Forest University commemorates 10 years of the Thrive initiative on campus. Thrive is a comprehensive wellbeing initiative which empowers students, faculty and staff to activate the 8 dimensions of wellbeing in their work and personal lives.  It encourages our community to attend to their physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional/mental, occupations, environmental and financial wellbeing, while also creating a campus culture where wellbeing is celebrated along with achievement.”

We hope your Deacs will join in on Thursday between 2-7 p.m. in Reynolda Hall (Green Room & Patio) for interactive activities for the 8 Thrive dimensions. I’m told the activities will include: therapy pups, bubbles, hula hoops, coloring, puzzles, an opportunity to Meet the Chaplains or attend, a student financial workshop, a sustainability Taco party. Most of all, it presents our students with opportunities to meet each other and other members of the campus community.

For our P’28s: Letters So Dear and Weekly Message

Yesterday our Class of 2028 received their weekly edition of Letters So Dear. And each Monday I add a new message for first-year families to this website, and also share it here in the Daily Deac. This week’s topic is about adjusting to the academic workload, and homesickness.

And just a gentle reminder to the P’28s out there – the transition to college takes a long time. So help your students have realistic expectations that it will take time to feel like they have their academic footing, and time to make The Forest feel like home (and be less homesick).

WFU in the News (Aug. 26-Sept. 1)

For all our self-described news wonks in the Daily Deacdom, we have the newest issue of WFU in the News, where we see where Wake Foresters have appeared in national, international, regional, or trade news. And I just love the first story, which mentions our very own Dr. Whaples:

America must free itself from the tyranny of the penny
By Caity Weaver | The New York Times Magazine
When economics professor Robert Whaples published an article in 2006 about the imperative to eliminate America’s 1-cent coin, he received a personal note: ‘Get it done, and you will deserve the Nobel Prize!’ The note was from Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve in which capacity he technically oversaw the annual ordering of billions of pennies from the Mint for distribution among the American populace.”

Community Safety Advisory

The campus community received a community safety advisory on Sunday evening. Here is the gist of it: “On Sunday evening, Sept. 1, Wake Forest University Police responded to an incident at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library where a man, who is unaffiliated with the University, grabbed a student’s ankle under a table. The suspect was arrested and taken to the Forsyth County Detention Center.” Read the full message.

As a reminder, families can receive community safety advisories by downloading the WakeSafe app and enabling notifications; see instructions.

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