In this Issue:

  • CityNerd video about Winston-Salem
  • Faculty Focus publication from the School of Business
  • Debate thoughts (no, not that one!)
  • Follow Deacon Dining on Facebook
  • We need 150 more gifts to reach out Parents’ Campaign goal – can you help?

After a punishing, brutally hot day yesterday (99 degrees), Winston-Salem is in for a treat today: the high today will only get up to 87. At 10 a.m., as I write this, it is only 73 and we are getting rain for the first time in 2+ weeks. It’s not as much rain as we need – I’d love a real soaking shower – but it is better than nothing.

If you take a look at the Quad Cam, you will see the supergreen grass of the Quad, courtesy of a fantastic watering system. Most of the residential lawns I see (my own included) are turning tan from the drought and heat.

Quad Cam view of the green grass of our Quad on 6/25/24, despite the recent heatwave and drought

CityNerd video about Winston-Salem

One of my colleagues shared a video from a YouTube channel I’d never heard of before, CityNerd. The host apparently goes around to cities and does videos about what he finds – architecture, green spaces, local culture, etc. He did a video of Winston-Salem that I found surprisingly comprehensive.

If you aren’t familiar with our city, you can watch this video tour here (it’s 15 minutes, the last 2-3 are about Greensboro). Fair warning, he does editorialize a bit, so filter appropriately. But it has got some great shots of places you might want to go, and even includes pics with two of my favorite restaurants, Mozelle’s and Cibo Trattoria 🙂 This video might give you some ideas of things to do on your next visit to our fair city.

Faculty Focus publication from the School of Business

One of my colleagues shared this a terrific publication about the work some of our very talented School of Business faculty are doing. I thought families might enjoy seeing some of the faces teaching their students and learning about the research our faculty are doing. Here’s a taste:

“The Faculty Focus brochure highlights the research and inspiring stories of our esteemed faculty members. Through this brochure, readers will gain insight into the exceptional contributions Wake Forest University School of Business faculty are making across diverse disciplines. We aim to both inform and inspire, showcasing the innovative spirit that drives our faculty to excel in their fields.”

View the full publication.

Debate thoughts (no, not that one!)

No, I am not talking about the presidential debate (I try to steer clear of politics here!), I am talking about Wake Forest Debate. Did you know we have an incredibly talented Debate Team with a rich history? That we won the Triple Crown in 2023?

This spotlight feature is a few years old now, but gives you a glimpse into the world of debate. Enjoy!

Follow Deacon Dining on Facebook

I got a message from my colleagues in Deacon Dining that encouraged families to follow them on their Facebook page. Stay in touch with all that our innovative dining team is doing to feed our students!

Follow Deacon Dining on Facebook to stay in the loop with all they are doing:

We need 150 more gifts to reach out Parents’ Campaign goal – can you help?

In addition to not wanting to talk about politics in the Daily Deac, I normally don’t like to talk about money – except as we approach the end of our fiscal year (which ends June 30th). We are about 150 gifts short of our goal for parent donors. It’s important we reach that goal every year. I don’t even care about the size of the gift – that’s up to you – but a strong donor total shows that parents and families support Wake Forest and endorses the good work we do for your students and for humanity (in the translation of our motto, Pro Humanitate).

So if you have not already made a gift to the Parents’ Campaign of the Wake Forest Fund, I would love your help in getting to our donor total goal. You can make a gift here – choose any designation under The Wake Forest Fund for it to count towards the Parents’ Campaign (and be sure to check the Parents’ Campaign box later down on secure giving website). Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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