In this Issue:

  • WFU in the News Dec. 18-31
  • EDU 120 (Personal Framework for Career Exploration) course availability
  • RA applications due Jan. 16
  • Email about the reopening of residential communities for spring

It’s midweek in a short week. Hope everyone who has returned to the work world post-holidays is having a smooth reentry. Today I have a few bits of news to share.

WFU in the News Dec. 18-31

For our news wonks out there (and I am one!), we have the final issue of WFU in the News for 2023.

One of the items was a 2 minute discussion from our own Christian Miller of the philosophy department about how often people lie (hint: lying may be less widespread than previously thought).

There was also an article about intellectual humility that gave a teaser for a WFU project: “A Wake Forest University team is working on developing an online course to teach intellectual humility.” Apparently this is not ready yet, but you can take an intellectual humility quiz and see how you fared.

The last one that caught my eye was an editorial about presidential debates, and in it they reference pretty strongly the 2000 Debate held in our very own Wait Chapel. Please note I am sharing it only for the WFU mentions; this is not me trying to promote or discourage anyone’s preferred candidates in 2024!!

EDU 120 (Personal Framework for Career Exploration) course availability

For our students who were hoping to take this class in the spring but couldn’t get it at November’s registration time, I am happy to announce there is a new section of EDU 120 open. What’s EDU 120, you ask? My outstanding sources in the Office of Personal and Career Development have shared the following:

EDU 120 – Personal Framework for Career Exploration. 1.5 Credits. First course in the College to Career series. Focuses on student self-assessment including personal attributes such as values, interests, personality/temperament, strengths, and beliefs. Begins the process of connecting student attributes with the exploration of options in the world of work. Open to all students, but designed especially for first- and second-year students.

The class will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursday from 12:30-1:45 for the first half of the semester and registration is live now.”

My OPCD colleague also likes to describe this course as “an accountability partner for getting the things you need to get done, for credit. We work on things like building/refining resumes, assessing and better understanding students’ personal values and interests and its connection to career, developing LinkedIn and Handshake profiles, and networking with our robust alumni network.”

Interested students should visit the Registration portal and act quickly!

RA applications due Jan. 16

If your Deac is interested in being an RA (Resident Adviser), they will need to submit their RA application for the 2024-2025 academic year via the Housing Portal. What are some of the benefits of being an RA?

“The RA position gives you a unique opportunity to build leadership qualities that are highly marketable to employers. Management and delegation skills, the ability to express ideas, critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to work effectively with a team are just some of the transferable skills you’ll gain for both your academic and professional career here at Wake Forest and beyond.

There are also great tangible benefits! RAs receive a single room at a discounted rate and a $5,700 stipend for the academic year!

Most of all, we provide our leaders with professional development opportunities, weekly 1:1 support, a community within your staff team, and the opportunity to invest in your fellow peers’ lives!”

Email about the reopening of residential communities for spring

The Office of Residence Life and Housing sent this message on December 20 to resident students advising about the opening of the residential communities for the spring semester. Please be sure your Deacs know the date they are eligible to move in/return to their communities for the spring semester.

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