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In this Issue:

  • Library Decorating Committee
  • Student insurance questions
  • Meal plan questions
  • Sorority life recruitment webinar
  • Finals funnies

Finals Week is here! That means students will be packing the ZSR Library (see pic below) and finding study spaces all over campus so they can go over their notes and textbooks in prep for exams. Finals also means we will see a lot of sweatpants/yoga pants, ponytails, ballcaps, and unshaved faces 🙂

most seats in ZSR are taken as students prep for exams

Library Decorating Committee

One of my favorite Wake traditions is the decoration of the ZSR Library before finals. Each semester, a secret group of students gathers together to come up with a theme, make decorations, and install them in the ZSR atrium when the library is closed (with the help of a staffer sworn to secrecy). This year’s theme is a Twelve Days of Finals, with the “true love” doing the giving being Dr. Wente:

Library Decorating Committee 2023: on the 12 days of finals Wente gave to me

Signs for the 12 days of finals 2023:  1 mother so dear, 2 am Subway 12 days of finals: 3 Sonny smiles, 4 accounting exams

2023 Library Decorating - the Naughty List library decorations

You can see the full set of decorations here. They really are clever – congratulations to our secret ZSR Decorating Committee for another great job, and many thanks to my ZSR sources for providing these pictures!

Student insurance questions

I have gotten a couple of questions from families about the student insurance program, and thought it might be helpful to share the answers here. Families are asking if they need to re-enroll, or waive again for the spring. My expert source in student insurance tells me this:

“Students that waive in the Fall do not need to waive again for Spring.  Same for enrollment: if they enrolled for Fall then it automatically enrolls them for Spring.  

The only caveat is if a student enrolled as a Qualifying event (asked to be enrolled after 9/15/2023) in the Fall, then they do need to re-enroll for Spring.”

The Student Insurance page is here and their contact info is there in case you have other questions.

Meal plan questions

Some families also wanted to know about how to make meal plan changes. Here is the info from the meal plan website:

  • All students, regardless of class year, can change (increase or decrease) their meal plan through January 2, 2024, adhering to area and class year minimums.
    • No decreases are allowed after this deadline for any student unless they meet special circumstances and are granted an appeal. To appeal, please complete a Meal Plan Appeal.
  • All students, regardless of class year, can increase their meal plan until January 31, 2024, adhering to area and class year minimums. Charges will not be pro-rated.

Sorority life recruitment webinar

For any families who had wanted to attend the Panhellenic (i.e., sorority) recruitment webinar, it is available here. Passcode is rlc@7s#c.

Finals funnies

Longtime Daily Deac-ers know that I am a fan of the phrase “laughter is the best medicine.” So all week on our official WFUParents Facebook page, we will be featuring some finals funnies. Here’s today’s entry.

I noticed you started a new tv series on Netflix during finals week. I too like to live dangerously -- Austin Powers

Wishing your Deacs all the best as they begin their finals!

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