In this Issue:

  • Thoughts for our seniors about making haste in the remaining time of the semester
  • Springfest is this week!
  • Note on last night’s Wake Alert

Today is Campus Day for Accepted Students, so we are welcoming admitted students in the Class of 2027 (and their families!) to campus. This is a pre-post (because today is my last day of PTO) but I am hoping against hope that today is sunny, low 70s, and what my late P’92 mom called “warm with gentle breezes” so all our admitted students have a great visit.

Thoughts for our seniors about making haste in the remaining time of the semester

Even as we welcome new students, we are thinking of our Class of 2023. There are a lot of seniors getting ready to graduate, and who will soon miss this place. My wish for our seniors is to take the remaining time on campus and drink in as many WFU experiences as they can:

  • Sit on the balcony of Reynolda facing the chapel and watch the sun set.
  • Walk barefoot in the Quad grass.
  • Take a blanket out to Davis Field and just lay there and look up at the sky.
  • Swing on the swings.
  • Watch the sun rise (or set) with your best friends.
  • Take pictures of your favorite places on campus.

And because I was an English major, it feels like sharing Robert Herrick’s classic poem is appropriate for the Class of 2023:

GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he ‘s a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he’s to setting.

And be sure your Class of 2023 Deac marks their calendar for the Senior Sendoff on April 19th (click the pic below for info).

Senior Sendoff - april 19, 2023

Springfest is this week!

Student Union’s Springfest is this week, and they have a whole host of daily activities for our students. Click the pictures below to see more details – and encourage your Deac to join in on the fun!

Springfest 2023 schedule Shag Dance lessons for 2023 springfest Springfest 2023 tuesday trivia April 2023 Birthday bash Baseball night for Springfest 2023 Alice in Wonderland Tea Party for Springfest 2023 Spring Concert 2023

Note on last night’s Wake Alert

Last night there was a community safety alert issued; it was later found that it was a false report of shots fired on campus.

Students were sent those messages and texts, but parents/families were not, as it was not a situation where there was a serious crime or emergency on campus. You can see when and how we communicate with families in certain situations here.

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