Yesterday, President Wente published a new blog post entitled A Great University. It reads, in part:
“While I continue learning about this University, I am posing a question to various groups across the Wake Forest community: What is expected of a great university today? This is intended to be an engaging question — one that is meant to aid us in identifying our future potential and putting us in a position to make key decisions and seize opportunities.
This question, and the answers I am hearing, are important — especially in this early stage of my presidency — for a number of reasons. The answers position us to define how Wake Forest specifically and higher education generally can more effectively contribute to and shape our society. They inform how we prioritize where we, Wake Forest, can invest the best of our resources to realize the greatest return. And they help us outline the aspirations we have for our community today and into the future.”
Our students are still making their way through finals. For any students looking for a study break, 23 of our undergraduates have created videos about people and places in Winston-Salem as part of a visual storytelling class. The films will be screened outdoors tomorrow night (Dec. 9) at 7 p.m. at the Museum of Understanding Storytelling and Engagement (MUSEws) located at 226 S. Liberty Street. The videos tell the stories of more than 20 places within Winston-Salem and together compose a tapestry of the city. The visual storytelling course is the brainchild of Wake Forest’s Documentary Film Program. Read more here.
For those who want to relive the Lovefeast, there is a terrific photostoryabout it.
Since it is the midpoint of finals, our Deacs may need a little inspiration, reassurance, or motivation. If any of these images below seem like something that would cheer up your Deac, you can save the image and share it with them (and if not, no worries).