Today feels like fall weather – it’s a bit overcast and the high today is around 75. Muuuuch better than the low- to mid 90s. For those of you keeping track, this is what we call “False Fall” in the 12 seasons of NC meme (Second Summer will no doubt be here soon) 😉
In terms of the blog, today I bring you a veritable jambalaya of items – throwing it all into the pot at once! Let’s go.
For those who have enjoyed seeing where Wake Forest is making news, this week’s issue of Wake Forest In the Newsis out now.
A couple of opportunities to mention from the Intercultural Center: Latinx Heritage Month runs from September 15-October 15 and there is a great slate of events. Students can also mark their calendars for the World Cultural Festival on September 24th.
My colleagues on the academic side tell me that the Wake Study Spaces websiteis now open for business this fall. The site directs students to DeaconSpace, where they can reserve study spaces as needed. They are recommending that no more than 6 students enter the space at a time, making room for individual or group study sessions.
A couple of important notes: Wake Study Spaces is not study space on-demand: students can’t reserve a space less than 2 days in advance. Rooms are not set aside as dedicated open study space; they are available by reservation only (as a reminder, the ZSR Library has reservable on-demand study space, and there is ample common area study space throughout campus). Students can find full info and policies here.
We are working with the Family Weekend team to get some helpful info for families coming to visit – look for that in coming days. Also wanted to alert visiting families that we have a great offering taking place downtown on Saturday, October 2nd – IdeasCity WS: “IdeasCityWS Marketplace Of Ideas festival will feature interactive exhibits from two dozen local creative organizations representing progressive contributions in art, tech, design, and culture. On display will be a range of working ideas poised to move our communities forward as we reimagine a post-pandemic Winston-Salem. In addition to the marketplace, the festival will include panel discussions featuring Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Fellows, prominent figures in the Winston-Salem music scene, and mayors from cities across the country. Other attractions throughout the afternoon and evening include performances highlighting the diverse local music scene, and a live performance of The Martha Bassett Show will conclude the festival on Saturday evening. Food trucks and beverages from Incendiary brewing will be available.”
For those coming for Family Weekend, particularly if you are staying in a hotel downtown, IdeasCityWS will have a lot of great outdoor opportunities for you to engage in while you are here.