Yesterday I got a look at campus through the photos of our University Photographer, Ken Bennett. As you can see, there are a bunch of tents that have been set up on campus. Some of them will be tents for dining (as we seek to spread out people for food service), and some of them will be reservable for activities (I heard a preview of some of the activities that will take place the first 9 nights on campus – stay tuned for more details).
Need to make a correction to yesterday’s blog. We had sent a message to students with items stored over the summer with Wake about how to pick up their boxes at move-in. I held the blog until late today because I just learned of a change to that process, and the Office of Residence Life and Housing just sent an email to resident students with an update on our move-in process as it relates to stored belongings. Read it here.
Many of our P’24s have been asking when they can see the schedule for New Deac Week (aka Orientation). This message went out to ’24s today. It includes a tentative schedule of events as a Google Doc, which they may need to access with their WFU credentials, so you can ask them to share it with you.
We encourage all students to get the Corq app, which will allow them to see WFU events:
Stay connected to what’s happening. Download the Corq app for Wake the Forest event information and touchless check-in. Available at the Apple Store and Google Play. Once you download the app and select Wake Forest as your campus, sign in with your WFU gmail account to view and register for student-only events.
There are a million moving parts right now and we are finalizing prep for students’ arrival. Will keep bringing you all the details as I have them!