Today students and families received a message about “Show Humanitate,” a riff on our motto that demonstrates our ethos of care for our fellow Wake Foresters. We can show our responsibility by caring for our own health and the health of others – via mask-wearing, social distancing, good hand/sneeze hygiene and more. Students got a peek at Show Humanitate yesterday via social media, and will see more signs and reminders of public health practice on campus. Please do read the whole message and note especially the work of the Student Compact group, which will be published on Thursday the 6th along with the addendum to the Code of Conduct related to COVID.

Also wanted to mention that earlier today, a broad swath of students got a message about registration holds. That message was sent out in error. Please ignore that message and accept our apologies. Details here.

Last night, students received some preliminary information about Move-In. There were different versions depending on whether you are a new student or a returning/upperclass student. Details here.

Final item for today: one of the great things about working in higher education is that schools are willing to share their good ideas with others. The professional organization for parent and family relations professionals, AHEPPP, has been sharing information on our members-only message board about creating a kind of quarantine kit or COVID kit. Different schools have different iterations, but the idea is the same: you’d have a bag of necessities in your closet or under your bed that would include things you’d need if you have to go into quarantine or isolation. Such a quarantine kit could include items such as:


A few days worth of comfy clothes (t-shirts, yoga pants or sweats, socks, pajamas)

Medical or personal care items

Hand sanitizer

Cloth face masks*

Disinfecting wipes

A small first aid kit (Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, over-the-counter pain medicine/fever reducer, over-the-counter cold medicine, cough drops, etc.)

A good supply of prescribed medications that are taken regularly

Feminine hygiene products

Box of tissues

Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant

Contact lens solution and case and/or eyeglasses

Food items

Replenishing drinks such as Gatorade

Food that you could eat without a lot of preparation (crackers, granola bars, snacks, etc.)

Info you may need to access

Address book/list of important people’s phone numbers and emails addresses

A list of your health issues and allergies (food and medicine)

A copy of your insurance card (front and back)

Technology items

Cell phone charger

Laptop power cord

Comfort items

Your favorite stuffed animal, throw blanket, etc.

Distractions: books or magazines, coloring book, deck of cards, etc.

* NOTE: I am told Wake will provide two cloth face masks and a thermometer to each undergraduate student at the start of school

The idea would be that you have this bag ready to go in your residence hall room, heaven forbid you need it. Easier to have it ready in advance than scramble at the last minute. I’m a planner, so I like to be ready.

Again, remember that we will have a lot of info coming later this week and next – so details to come.

— by Betsy Chapman, Ph.D. (’92, MA ’94)

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