It’s been a busy day today so this will be a quick Daily Deac. Messages went out to students this morning about their refunds. The student refund emails that went out are highly specific for each student’s situation. The emails detail whether they need to take a particular action:
Some students’ emails direct them to take a specific action to initiate the refund process, using language like “You are required to take action to initiate the refund process” or “you must take the following actions.”
For student-athletes and students receiving federal aid, we are required to refund them by check, and their email specifies “A check will be mailed to your permanent address…” – in other words, no action is needed on their part.
Hope that clarification is helpful.
It is an absolutely beautiful day in Winston-Salem today: just shy of 70, sunny, everything is in bloom. (Aside: I have been fortunate to look out of my ‘home office’ window and see that my yard is home to an adult bunny and a baby bunny; they like to appear from the hole under my fence to nibble on my grass.) Anyway, all that to say it is a gorgeous day and a Friday, and normally if your students were here this would be a wonderful night for a party.
Normally at this time of year, we have an event called Shag on the Mag (bear with me, UK friends, it is not what you think!) This is about shag dancing – or dancing to beach music popular on the NC and SC coasts. Normally there is a tent erected on the Mag Quad (aka Manchester Plaza) and students dress up and listen to wonderful live music and shag dance (or regular dance, as they see fit). It is always a ton of fun. Here are some pics of Shag on the Mag from last year, just to give you a taste. And if you are a Spotify listener, you can check out this playlist of Carolina Beach and shag music. Shag purists may quibble about which songs qualify as proper or not. But I will leave you with this one, which is one of my very faves.