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I am out this afternoon tackling one of the major milestones of my grad program (cross your fingers!) so this is a pre-post.

Your Deacs are still students, of course, but here are some pictures from Homecoming this past weekend. You can get a glimpse of what is in their future: Party So Dear, the pre-game tailgate by reunion class, the Festival on the Quad, all the way up to the Golden Deacs celebration (which comes at their 50th reunion and after).

This will all be theirs someday! Hard to believe, isn’t it?!?

Wake Forest alumni and friends enjoy the official tailgate party on Baity Street outside BB&T Field during Homecoming 2018 on Saturday, November 3, 2018. Wake Foresters return to campus for Homecoming 2018 on Friday, November 2, 2018. The Golden Deacs, those alumni who graduated at least fifty years ago, gather for lunch. Wake Foresters return to campus for Homecoming 2018 on Friday, November 2, 2018. The Party So Dear, held on Manchester Plaza, attracts alumni and their families. Wake Forest alumni and friends enjoy the Festival on the Quad during Homecoming 2018 on Saturday, November 3, 2018.

— by Betsy Chapman ’92, MA ’94

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