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Today’s Daily Deac is a guest post by Alex Abrams, Communications Coordinator in the Office of the Dean of the College

Justin Esarey has developed new methods for answering difficult political questions. Sheri Floge has replicated the ocean in her lab to examine how viruses affect microorganisms. And Alisha Hines has tracked the movement of African-American women in the 1800s.

Along with the more than 1,400 first-year students moving to campus this week, Wake Forest New faculty orientationUniversity has welcomed 86 incoming faculty members throughout the College who have established themselves as exceptional teachers and scholars. Sixty-five of those faculty members are new to WFU.

New faculty orientationThey’re a diverse group that includes an historian, a political scientist, a macroeconomist, two microbiologists, and several chemists, engineers, and educators. They’ll help give WFU students the opportunity to get a unique liberal arts education that embraces the university’s motto of Pro Humanitate.

ANew faculty orientationfter opening a year ago, the Department of Engineering nearly doubled its permanent faculty with the addition of three new Assistant Professors – Erin Henslee, Lauren Lowman, and Kyle Luthy. Meanwhile, the Department of Biology added two Assistant Professors – Floge and Regina Cordy – to help guide a new generation of scientists.

The new faculty brings multicultural curricula, research, and backgrounds. They come to Winston-Salem from around the world and all parts of the United States like WFU’s increasingly diverse student body.

Kimberly Wortmann, Associate Professor of the Study of Religions, speaks Swahili and has conducted research on Muslim communities in eastern Africa. Isabel Farrell, Assistant Professor of Counseling, was born in Venezuela and has expertise in counseling Latina/o immigrants on the difficulties of transitioning to life in a new country.

And Jieun Lee, Assistant Professor in the Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies, moved from South Korea to continue researching and teaching about the ways Korean women living in the U.S. are portrayed in performance art.

Students interested in taking classes and working with this impressive collection of new teacher-scholars should look at the new Academic Bulletin ( and the different department websites.

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